Monday, January 23, 2006

Are we ready???

taken from:

Twenty percent of U.S. college students graduating from 4-year colleges don't have the skills to handle tasks like estimating whether their car has enough gas, or calculating the total cost of ordering office supplies, a new study has found.

A study funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts surveyed 1,827 graduating students from eight randomly selected two and four year schools. they tested them on three types of literacy: performing basic computations; understanding documents like job applications; and comprehending news articles or instructional materials.

"The surprisingly weak quantitative literacy ability of many college graduates is troubling," Stephane Baldi, who directed the study, said in a release. "A knowledgeable workforce is vital to cope with the increasing demands of the global marketplace."

This scares me. Are those people not our future? i don't want our country to be run by people who cant even calculate the cost of office supplies. OOPS!!! Too late....


Blogger Andy Hunter said...

"This is the thought that wakes me up in the middle of the night: That these kids are gonna take care of me when I'm old."

- that dude from the Breakfast Club

"Don't bet on it."

- other guy

8:20 AM  

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