Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Albert R Gonzales

Taken from:http://www.gameshout.com/news/022006/article3101.htm

Gonzales called the National Security Agency surveillance of phone calls and e-mail without a warrant an indispensable "early warning system" against attacks, but skeptical senators, including some Republicans, challenged his assertion that the Constitution and the U.S. Congress gave President George W. Bush the authorization to act.

During the often testy daylong hearing, Gonzales fielded scores of questions but repeatedly declined to answer, citing the secrecy of the program and saying operational details could not be made public without ruining the ability to monitor contacts between militants abroad and their U.S. affiliates.

Visibly frustrated, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, abruptly broke in at one point: "Of course, I'm sorry, Mr. Attorney General, I forgot you can't answer any questions that might be relevant to this."Leahy accused the administration of acting "illegally without safeguards."New York Democrat Charles Schumer told Gonzales, "I know it's been a long day for you. Especially with all that bobbing and weaving, it's not so easy."

Gonzales refused to discuss the scope of the program that Bush authorized in 2002, any successes, possible abuses or any safeguards in place.Some Republicans also criticized the administration, saying it should have asked Congress to authorize the program specifically, instead of relying on a broad authorization to use force after the September 11 attacks, the Constitution and inherent executive authority.

Chairman Sen. Arlen Specter, a Pennsylvania Republican who chairs the committee, said while "the president of the United States has the fundamental responsibility to protect the country ... the president does not have a blank check."Ohio Republican Mike DeWine said the administration would stand on firmer ground if it had sought specific congressional backing, and Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said he never envisioned such eavesdropping to be part of the post-September 11 legislation he helped pass.
He also said that in times of war other Presidents such as Washington and Lincoln have used electronic surveillance to monitor enemies.

my oppinion
Gonzales needs to speak the truth. He continued to deny all questions and refused to answer most of them. That is not cool. We need to know what is currently going on and he will not tell us what is happening. I can see reason behind hiding information in some cases however, I think that this would not be one. He was dodging all of these questions way too much.
And please, someone please, inform me as to how in the hell Abraham Lincoln used electronic surveillance to monitor its enemies? God that was a stupid statement. sad really....


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