Saturday, February 18, 2006

And He Calls This Lucky?

Taken From:

WASHINGTON - The pellet-pocked man shot by Dick Cheney apologized yesterday for all the fuss the hunting mishap has caused the vice president, and said he was "lucky" the errant blast didn't do more damage.

Harry Whittington, 78, made his first public remarks as he was released from a Texas hospital after being sprayed with birdshot in the face, neck and upper body last Saturday.
"We all assume certain risks in whatever we do. Regardless of how experienced, careful and dedicated we are, accidents do and will happen. And that's what happened," Whittington said.
The GOP fat-cat donor also suffered a mild heart attack while hospitalized when birdshot traveled to his heart from his chest.

"I regret that I couldn't meet you earlier but you can see what a lucky person I am," Whittington told reporters, his face and neck clearly marked from the blast from Cheney's .28-gauge shotgun.
Nonetheless, doctors sent him home, saying he's in excellent condition, though not 100%.
A relieved Cheney, speaking to the Wyoming legislature yesterday, said, "Thankfully, Harry Whittington is on the mend and doing well."

Cheney's staff let Katharine Armstrong, the owner of the south Texas ranch where he had been hunting, break the news about the accident to a local paper a day after it happened, and Cheney didn't address it until Wednesday.

When the White House, particularly Cheney's staff, delayed the disclosure of the shooting, it set off a furor. But Whittington seemed to feel that he had caused the problem, just by getting shot.

"My family and I are deeply sorry for all that Vice President Cheney and his family have had to go through this past week," Whittington said. "We hope that he will continue to come to Texas and seek the relaxation that he deserves."

And Whittington offered his own perspective on the incident. "This past weekend encompassed all of us in a cloud of misfortune and sadness that's not easy to explain, especially to those not familiar with the great sport of quail hunting," he said.

Browbeaten by late-night comedians and an aggressive press corps, Cheney acknowledged he'd endured "a very long week." Even loyal Republicans said the GOP has been hurt by Cheney's stonewalling tactics and stubborn resistance to answer questions.

Potential GOP presidential candidate and Vietnam vet Chuck Hagel took a whack at Cheney's five draft deferments that kept him from serving in Vietnam. "If he'd been in the military, he would have learned gun safety," the Nebraska senator told the Omaha World-Herald.
But one political analyst predicted the uproar will quiet down.

"Whittington may very well have ended the feeding frenzy - big time," University of Virginia Prof. Larry Sabato said.

My Oppinion:

Whittington, do you really consider being shot with a .28 gauge shotgun lucky? I think that would not count as a lucky day to me. Yay I had a heart attack because the Vice President shot me. I am so lucky.

Whittingon should not have apologized to the VP. It is not Whittingtons fault that Cheney is such a stupid hunter. You and your family should not be appologizing. I mean really. Cheney almost killed you. And he waits a few days to speak about it? That is shameful in my oppinion.

Cheney needs to learn some gun safety. Never shoot a gun when there is someone in front of you. Duh. Even my seven year old sister knows that one.

Cheney needs to get his eyes checked as well. From what I have heard Whittington was wearing bright orange and it was at a very visible time of day. Maybe Cheney thought he was some kind of game fowl as well....

I don't know either way Whittington shouldn't apologize and Cheney should have spoke sooner


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